Student Registration
Registration Prerequisite
Your Enrollment no.
Valid Email-ID.
Mobile No.
You must have bank account in Punjab National or in Union Bank with internet banking facility.
Scanned copy of Photograph of size 100X100 pixel in .jpeg/gif format.
Scanned copy of your signature of size 23X70 pixel in .jpeg/gif format.
If you have Enrollment no. of RGPV, please choose your admission year, enter your Enrollment no. & Click On Search button
  • Password must use a combination of these:
  • I. Atleast 1 upper case letters (A – Z)
  • II. Lower case letters (a – z)
  • III. Atleast 1 number (0 – 9)
  • IV. Atleast 1 " & "non-alphanumeric symbol (e.g. ‘!@#$%^&*?_~’)
  • V. Lenght must be min. 7 and max 50
Select Your Admission Year
Admission Year 2023

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            Timing 09:00 am-08:00 pm
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