Employer Registration
  • Please fill the mandatory information and click on "Go For Online Payment"
  • During the online process If amount is deducted from your account and transaction gets failed then please do the transaction again for the same.However, Deducted amount will be refunded back into respective bank account as per the refund policy.
  • Fields marked with * are mandatory
  • Password must use a combination of these:
  • I. Atleast 1 upper case letters (A – Z)
  • II. Lower case letters (a – z)
  • III. Atleast 1 number (0 – 9)
  • IV. Atleast 1 " & "non-alphanumeric symbol (e.g. ‘!@#$%&*?_~’)
  • V. Lenght must be min. 7 and max 50
Company Profile
Name of Company * :
Year of Founded* :
No. of Employee* :
Company Address
Address* :
  (Maximum 120 characters only)
State * :
City* :
Pincode* :
Email Id* :
Phone * :
Fax :
Contact Person Details
Name * :
Designation* :
Email Id* :
Mobile No.* :
Password * :

Confirm Password  * :
Registration Payment Details
Portal Registration : 1000
G.S.T. (18 %) : 180
Total Registration Amount : 1180
Total Amount to be Paid : 1180
Choose Your Payment Mode
Payment Modes * :
I hereby declare that all the particulars furnished in this application are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the Online Account creation on University service portal of RGPV for academic record verification, university has the rights to take the action and cancel the registration.
Please tick the box to confirm that you have read and accept the University's Terms & Condition  for use of the online payment system.

The Portal is Running on Beta Version. For Best view use IE 9 and above, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox at Resolution 1366 X 768.

Help & Support
  • Call: 0755-4944401
            Timing 09:00 am-08:00 pm
  • E-mail: egov@rgpv.ac.in